Showing items 51–60 of 86 stories.

Nurse Educator features video of Huber, Keener

Drs. Stacy Huber and Tina Antill Keener, authors of "Using Patient Experiences to Enhance Nursing Student Compassion," are featured in a video in which they describe the course they developed to teach students to prioritize the patient and emphasize the art of nursing.

Nurse Educator features video of Barnes, Vance 

Drs. Emily Barnes and Billie Vance, authors of "Transitioning a Graduate Nursing Physical Examination Skills Lab to an Online Learning Modality," are featured in a video in which they describe the transition, compare NP student performance outcomes, and evaluate faculty satisfaction and student satisfaction and confidence in learning. 

Faculty Feature: Pamela Rodriguez

Becoming a nurse was not part of Pamela Rodriguez’s original game plan. She obtained her engineering degree from West Virginia University and worked as an engineer in the coal mines for seven years. The profession was a difficult one as a woman, but she forged her own path.

Faculty Feature: Brad Phillips

Caring for others has always been important to Dr. Brad Phillips. As someone who also always enjoyed science courses, when he was finishing high school and thinking about what he wanted to study in college, nursing seemed to be a perfect fit.