Post-MSN to DNP Course Descriptions
NSG 702: Population Health Promotion: 3 credits. (Didactic, Summer only). Prerequisite – None. In-depth study and analysis of clinical prevention and population health for individuals, aggregates, and populations utilizing advanced nursing practice and program evaluation strategies for the promotion of health and prevention of disease across populations.
NSG 704: Foundations of Leadership for the Advanced Practice Nurse: 3 credits. (Didactic, Fall only). Prerequisite – None. Explore foundations of personal, professional, and leadership development within the role of the advanced practice nurse. e.
NSG 707: Evidence Based Practice Methods: 3 credits. (Didactic, Spring only). Prerequisites – NSG 724. This course provides an overview of research methods, evidence analysis, epidemiologic measures, and systems level evaluation methods for translation of research into practice and the design of interventions to effect practice change in a variety of settings.
NSG 710: Advanced Nursing Practice Issues, Policy, and Ethics 3 credits. (Didactic, Spring only). Prerequisite – None. An analysis of health policy and advanced nursing practice issues with a focus on advocacy for nursing leadership, ethics, and finance.
NSG 739: Scientific Underpinnings for the DNP-prepared Advanced Practice Nurse Role 3 credits. (Didactic, Fall only). Prerequisite – None. This course introduces students to competencies necessary to practice at the highest level within the nursing discipline. The role of the Doctor of Nursing practice-prepared advanced practice nurse is examined in the context of historical, ethical, environmental, clinical, technological, and professional perspectives
NSG 745: Clinical Immersion: 1 to 5 credits – Variable and repeatable. (Clinical). Prerequisite – 739. Provides for the mastery of skills relative to the state of the science in a particular area of practice.
NSG 754 Advanced Informatics & Healthcare Technologies: 3 credits. (Didactic, Spring only) Prerequisite – None. Evaluation and utilization of information systems and technology to improve quality, safety, and system outcomes to improve health care.
NSG 829: Clinical Data Analysis and Visualization: This required course provides students with the skills to collect, manage, analyze, and interpret clinical data to evaluate quality improvement and evidence-based practice initiatives. Students will apply data analysis techniques and use data visualization tools to support clinical decision making and dissemination.
NSG 830: DNP Project Development: 2 credits. (Project, Summer only). Prerequisite – NSG 707, NSG 724. NSG 707 may be taken concurrently. This course provides the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student with a framework for developing an evidence-based DNP Project. Types of projects include quality improvement, policy analysis, demonstration, clinical inquiry, translation of evidence-based practice, and program evaluation. The student applies principles of business, finance, economics, and health policy to address the identified problem.
NSG 831: DNP Project Implementation: 1 to 2 credits – Variable and repeatable. (Project). Prerequisite – NSG 830. This course provides the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student with a framework for implementing and evaluating the outcomes of a proposed DNP project. The student will present a project proposal, apply for institutional approval, implement an initiative, and collect and analyze data in preparation for the DNP Project presentation.
NSG 832: DNP Project Presentation: 2 credits. (Project). Prerequisite – NSG 830, NSG 831 (minimum 2 credits). This course requires the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student to present the DNP project. The student will demonstrate mastery of the DNP Essentials and DNP program outcomes through a portfolio, a presentation of the project, and a manuscript describing the project.