Beckley students represent WVU Nursing at recent CAMC Teddy Bear Fair

Top row, from left: Hannah Ramsey (junior), Kaitlyn Sizemore (junior), Madison Perdue (senior), Jayden Forren (junior), Kadi Arndt (junior); Middle: Keylie Alexander (senior), Lauren Harrah (senior), Jessica Cresong (senior); Bottom: Misty Mehta (senior)

Beckley Campus students recently represented the WVU School of Nursing during the annual CAMC Women and Children’s Teddy Bear Fair.

The annual event offers children and their families an opportunity to receive health education while having fun. Vendors at the event offer giveaways and prizes. Attendees can also learn more about a career in the medical field.

“We got to meet so many bright, intelligent children and their families,” said Lauren Harrah, a senior in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. “We all had a great time experiencing this event together.”

The theme for their booth was the importance of dental hygiene. As Harrah explained, dental caries are prevalent in children, so they wanted to offer this educational opportunity to encourage kids to keep their teeth clean and healthy.

“We also had examples of teeth and gums that were affected by poor oral hygiene and smoking, which results in tooth decay and even oral cancer,” Harrah said. “I think with these examples, family members who are active smokers realized the damage smoking can do to their oral health. The reaction we saw from them once they realized this made us realize that the kids weren’t the only ones learning that day.”

She said and the other students in attendance were grateful for the opportunity to represent the WVU School of Nursing and they hope to attend the event again next year.


CONTACT: Wendy Holdren
Director of Communications and Marketing
WVU School of Nursing