WVU Nursing professor’s publication to be translated to French

In 2020, Dr. Laure Marino co-authored a chapter in “Advanced Practice Nursing Leadership: A Global Perspective.” Now, the book is going to be translated to French in order to serve the French-speaking nursing community and share knowledge.

“Less than 3% of all books worldwide are translated into another language,” said Marino, clinical associate professor with the WVU School of Nursing. “This provides an incredible opportunity to disseminate knowledge on nursing leadership, and specifically, leadership through nurse entrepreneurship.”

Marino’s co-authors are WVU alumni, including the late Aila Accad and former WVU SON faculty Dr. Taura Barr. Dr. Christophe Debout, the Series Editor and a French-native, will review and check the auto-translation before the book goes on the market. It will then be hosted on SpringerLink.

The book was edited by Sue Hassmiller and Joyce Pulcini.


CONTACT: Wendy Holdren
Director of Communications and Marketing
WVU School of Nursing
304-581-1772; wendy.holdren@hsc.wvu.edu