Opportunities for students to volunteer with WVU Camp Kesem

Information session set for Oct. 16

WVU’s Camp Kesem, an on-campus student organization that works with the National Kesem mission of being a child’s friend through and beyond their parent or guardian’s cancer, is looking for student volunteers. Camp Kesem works year-round to create a space where kids can just be kids, have fun, and be with other children who understand their family struggles.

Ty Flynn, a senior in the School of Nursing, serves as director for WVU’s Camp Kesem. Flynn and Camp Kesem are looking for students to volunteer. There are a variety of ways for students to get involved, such as volunteering, camper recruitment and fundraising.

“There are several ways for students to get involved with Camp Kesem and volunteer,” said Flynn.

Any undergraduate student can be a volunteer, and there are a variety of positions, including social media marketing, outreach to camper families, fundraising efforts and more.

To learn more, Camp Kesem is hosting a general information session Oct. 16 at 3 p.m. in the Mountainlair.

Every year, Camp Kesem hosts a free, week-long overnight summer camp experience designed for children ages 6 to 18 who are impacted by a parent or guardian’s cancer. The organization is also searching for campers to attend this camp experience. As of 2020, there are more than five million children who have been impacted by their parent’s cancer and Camp Kesem is looking to serve these children through camp.

“We are always looking for new community contacts and reaching out to parents who have cancer to get their child involved in our completely free service,” Flynn said. “If you know a family that would be interested in this or has any community contacts for us to reach out to, please contact me.”

Camp Kesem is also looking for assistance in is fundraising. The organization's goal this year is to raise $45,000 to provide year-round support completely free to the camper’s families.

“If students, professors and other faculty members are interested in donating, they can donate at this link and make a fundraising page to send out to friends and families,” Flynn said. “We will also have various fundraising events this semester. If anyone has ideas for grants to apply to, businesses to partner with, or would like to help fundraise, I would be happy to speak with them!”

If interested is getting involved, email Ty Flynn at thf0004@mix.wvu.edu or Camp Kesem at WVU at wvu@kesem.org. Follow Camp Kesem on Instagram at @kesem_wvu.