Meet Brayden.

WVU School of Nursing Class of 2024 graduate and Army ROTC Cadet Brayden Warnick was recently commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant.
Warnick, of Oakland, Maryland, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and will assess onto active duty as an Army nurse.
The WVU Army ROTC Mountaineer Battalion commissioned Warnick and five other cadets as second lieutenants during the Fall Commissioning Ceremony on Dec. 19.
Col. Charlie Green, 53rd Commandant and Chief of the Regiment for the Military Police Corps at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, was the keynote speaker for the event. Maj. Leon Geiger, acting professor of military science, and Master Sgt. William O’Neal, senior military science instructor, presented the cadets for commissioning.
Other cadets commissioning included Alexis Brusio, Gabrielle Frankenfield, Karina Guevara, Levi Kramer and Keegan Mahony.
Army ROTC is the premier, four-year, progressive leadership development program on campus. During classes, leadership labs, physical training and field training exercises, cadets learn firsthand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups, and conduct missions as an officer in the U.S. Army.
Cadets are required to complete a 38-day leadership assessment at Fort Knox, Kentucky, known as Advanced Camp. Upon earning their degrees, cadets commission as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army on active duty, in the Army National Guard or in the Army Reserve.