Meet Naomi.

What made you consider nursing as a program of study?
My brother was born extremely premature and during his time in the NICU, my mom had always told me how amazing the nurses were and how they helped her through a very tough time in her life. I knew I wanted to be able to do that for someone else one day and that’s why I decided to go through nursing school and pursue a career as a nurse.
Why did you choose WVU School of Nursing?
WVU SON stood out to me from other programs that I applied to due to the clinical rotations being at Ruby Memorial Hospital. I knew that having clinicals at an amazing teaching hospital would provide many learning opportunities and experiences, which it definitely did!
Could you share a positive experience from your time at the SON?
A positive experience from my time the SON would be my Leadership clinical. I was able to follow a nurse in the PICU at Ruby Memorial Hospital and learn all about being a Pediatric ICU nurse which has always been my end goal throughout nursing school. The knowledge and skills that I learned during that time will be essential as I transition into my nursing job.
What’s one piece of advice you would give your freshman self?
One piece of advice I would give my freshman self is to enjoy every moment and don’t rush through anything. These past four and a half years have flown by, and it feels like just yesterday I was a freshman nervous but excited to start nursing school.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to move back home to Baltimore, and I have accepted a job at University of Maryland Medical Center as a PICU nurse!
How do you feel WVU prepared you for your next chapter?
I feel that WVU prepared me very well for this next chapter in my life and gave me a well-rounded nursing education through skills labs and many different clinical rotations on various floors.